Shelly McLaughlin, Pathfinders for Autism
As a parent to a son with Autism, I have conducted Autism Training for various organizations including the Maryland State Police and multiple County Police/Sheriff’s Departments, Fire/EMS staff, corrections officers, colleges, Exceptional Family Programs, State’s Attorneys, adult medical day programs, restaurants, schools, hotels, libraries, foster care programs, and other professional organizations. I am a certified police instructor by the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commission, CIT certified through Montgomery County Police, and certified in Mental Health First Aid through Harford County Sheriff’s Office. I have also collaborated with experts, used research, or simply relied on personal experiences with my son to write several of our PFA Tips articles that offer practical solutions to everyday autism challenges and have appeared in other publications, such as Chicago Special Parent Magazine and Autism Parenting Magazine. Learn more about me and the work we do at <a href="https://pathfindersforautism.org/">Pathfinders for Autism</a>
Parent Tips: Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher
The kids are off and back at school. Do you wonder what kind of day he is having? Do you wonder if she has friends...